Earrings – how to choose the perfect pair for yourself?

Earrings - how to choose the perfect pair for yourself?
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Do you love earrings? Do you wonder what models are fashionable now, which ones to choose? Check the latest trends in the jewelry world with us, check which earrings will fit the styling of this season.

Earrings are one of the oldest ornaments, fashionable for centuries, and thanks to the breakthrough and popularity of piercings, we wear them almost all over the body. Many of us wear earrings every day to complement our style. Popular decorations come in many forms, shapes and types, are tailored to the various styles of dress, but by unlimited choices, it is sometimes difficult for us to choose the right model for ourselves.

How to choose the right earrings?

First of all, we need to reflect on their shape and color. Remember that decorations should match our skins, hair color and current styling. Each of us should have a few classic pairs – golden circles, silver earrings of small size and a pair in black. Thanks to these couples we will always have a styling ornament, regardless of its style. It is also worth to have a few pairs that will completely enchant, surprise and above all, will draw attention. Such earrings are well worn with uniform styling. They will illuminate.

Before buying, it is important to consider what the purpose of the earrings will be and what kind of dress we will wear. If you are looking for decorations that will light up our evening style, we can put on long earrings with shiny diamonds or sequins. We strongly recommend the first choice, because sequin jewelry is difficult to integrate into the styling and it is not so universal. It is also easy to exaggerate and we can achieve the impression of kitsch.

Eye-catching accessories

In your style, do you focus on good exposure of extras? Is it due to jewelry that you choose certain clothes or wear a uniform outfit? Make a choice of earrings with a distinctive appearance, in intense color or in unusual shape. It is also worth putting on models with decorative stones, which will add to our color to our style.

Earring styles

Looking at the trends in dress, we can predict what earrings will be trendy this season. The boho and hippie styling come back to favor, with long straight earrings with a straight cut, best in gold. More often, we also draw from the ethno and folk – a good choice for such sets will be earrings decorated with stones. Back to the 90’s makes us choose necklaces that are close to the neck or choker necklaces. If you choose them in your style, give up the earrings. Too many accessories do not look good and overshadow each other.
