The supernatural power of precious stones

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Natural stones, formed over the millennia by nature, have something extraordinary in them. I certainly feel much better when I am wearing jewelry with stones that “attract” me at that moment. This attraction depends on the mood, or maybe the situation I am in. I will tell you a story. In China, there is a very large building, which is now a stone trading center. This monumental skyscraper was erected for the offices and shopping malls of one industry. It was built on the site of a poor neighborhood that was forcibly disposed of by the authorities to complete the investment plans. Homes and other buildings were burned and there were also casualties. It turned out, however, that the business did not prosper, and the building itself was declared haunted by ghosts. The giant changed tenants and investors, but the bad passage lasted.

This is not a very old story that goes back to the days of beliefs in demons, but the Chinese are a superstitious nation, there is a circulating opinion that it is a punishment for the unhappiness of the displaced people. In the end, it was decided to organize a market of stones and jewelry there. The Chinese believe that the beneficial radiation of crystals neutralize the bad energy of the place. Either way, businesses are blooming now in the haunted building. So what kind of stones should we wear to ensure wealth, love and good health?

We should certainly choose those created by nature. It will be a little different set of stones for everyone, because each mineral has a multifaceted effect and every person has different needs. Ruby is certainly a stone that fulfills almost all of these conditions. It is a stone of love, passion, sexual efficiency, healthy heart and circulation but also the stone of leaders, those who are at the forefront of organizations and those responsible for finance. In the culture of the east, husbands wore rubies on the edges of their robes to ensure their fidelity, and the monarchs decorated crowns and scepters with them. Another favorable stone of prosperity is citrine. It is a yellow quartz, also attributed to the improvement of mood and strengthening of intellectual power. There is also a tiger eye, a stone specializing in attracting wealth. When it comes to health, it is the right stone for every disease. Putting aside magic, in the past, precious stones and jewelry were material protection, an investment. Up unto this day rings and earrings are passed on in families. Is spending a large amount of money on expensive jewelry justified economically?

Yellow gold and diamonds have always been treated as capital. I think they have to be treated as a long-term investment rather than a quick payday. Gold is easy to cash in, pricing its value according to the current price, based on the weight of the product. With precious gemstones, the matter is much more difficult. First, determining the value of a stone is difficult because it requires a specialist gemologist. The purchase of jewelry of famous brands, even the international ones, does not protect against the above mentioned difficulties. The jewelry of these well-known manufacturers is excellent, but its price is mainly determined by the brand. The best solution is to buy one-of-a-kind jewelry, which is manufactured by hand and therefore is unique. Therefore, when deciding to buy jewelry, first of all, we should buy jewelry for pleasure and delight, and believe that the power of a stone will create an aura around us to give us the strength of nature that created it.
