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Fire Agate

Etymology and history

The Agate stone was given name by Theophrastus Greek philosopher and naturalist, who discovered the stone along the shore line of the river Achates. Colorful agates and other chalcedonies were obtained over 3,000 years ago from the Achates River, now called Dirillo, in Sicily. Fire Agate has been found only in parts of California, Arizona, and Mexico, and within the last sixty years, making it the rarest and newest multi-colored gemstone in the World

Fire Agate description

Fire Agate is not a well known gem. It has colors that are brighter and sometimes more beautiful than opal. Most agates occur as nodules in volcanic rocks or ancient lavas where they represent cavities originally produced by the disengagement of volatiles in the molten mass which were then filled, wholly or partially, by siliceous matter deposited in regular layers upon the walls. Such agates, when cut transversely, exhibit a succession of parallel lines, often of extreme tenuity, giving as banded appearance to the section. Such stones are known as banded agate, riband agate and striped agate.

Fire agate in jewelry

We do our best to make great collection of fire agate rings set in sterling silver, with a colorful variety, designs and a price range, suitable for all. All our fire agate silver jewelry is handcrafted by artisans in sterling 925 silver and 100% are natural fire agate stone.<\p>


Fire Agate has been found only in parts of California, Arizona, and Mexico, and within the last sixty years, making it the rarest and newest multi-colored gemstone in the World

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