Talk to Our Jewelry Experts
Monday to Friday from 9AM to 5PM EST
What is a drop? It is not even something as a whole, it is just a very small part of some liquid, which somehow escaped the whole, but is no different to it. A drop is something you would never notice in an ocean, but which you can easily notice when it appears separately. This is exactly what our drop shaped earrings try to embody. There are more than seven billion people living on our planet today, which is a number so high that the average person cannot fathom its size. Showing individuality in a world this big, on a planet this populated is harder than ever, but not impossible, as a drop can escape the ocean in order to help create life on land, or for example to fall back down to earth in the form of a beautiful snowflake.
This is the philosophy we try to represent with our splendid drop shape earrings. Anyone wearing one of these is conscious about her origins, but also thinks that her personality enables her to be more than just a "clone", a person whose individuality has been suppressed by the modern society. These people refuse to become robots and would rather act as shining lights, beacons that can show the way for others how to escape monotony and how to find their own paths. Choose one of these unique, hand-made earrings created by the most apt silversmiths in the country and you can then take the first steps on the rocky road to become a new and independent person who is ready to fulfill her dreams no matter what obstacles she faces.