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A Leo is someone who was born between the 24th of July and the 23rd of August. They are usually kind, big-hearted, honest and loyal optimists, who are most of the time very good leaders, as they like to dominate but only because they have a very good systematic and strategic thinking, and not because they like the feeling of power. They absolutely hate boredom, their mind is always searching for new challenges, and they usually achieve the goals they create for themselves.
The Leo Zodiac Stones earrings are most of the time made with Ruby, which is the Astral Stone of Leos. It is a wonderful gem, which is usually red (although there are some other tones available as well, for example brown or yellow) whose price is dependent on on its clarity, color, lighting and cut. The name Ruby is most of the time associated with its wonderful deep red tone, which is a symbol for many things, including love, thirst, health and any pure, deep, uncontrollable emotion. Leos usually love with all their hearts, and they more often than not get what they want. They wear their heart on their sleeves, they speak their opinion no matter those around them like it or not, but can be really tame when in a loving relationship.
Rubies are in some ways very similar to Leos. They are very emphatic gems, transmitting a very strong sense of self-esteem and confidence, but not cockiness. They are advised mainly for people who love to be in the spotlight, as anyone wearing Leo Zodiac Stones earrings made of Rubies will get much attention, which more reserved people might find inconvenient. If you really love to be in the centre though, you will find that any of our beautiful Ruby earring will help you be the main attraction.