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Cubic zirconia is an artificial product that imitates diamond well. Despite the similar gloss to diamonds, zircons can be relatively easily distinguished when exposed to X-rays. Cubic zirconia is usually colorless, although an admixture of cerium (soft, gray metal) can change its color to orange, nickel - to brown, chrome to green and cobalt to blue. Due to its appearance, cubic zirconia is considered a very good imita-tion of a diamond. It is often and willingly used in jewelry, but not everyone knows that this compound is also used in medicine and industry.
Zircon pendants do not have magical and medicinal properties, unlike pendants with natural stones. Cubic zirconia pedants, on the other hand, imitate diamond and diamond pendants very well, which is why they are perfect to wear as evening and elegant jewelry. Cubic zirconia pendants for sale in our store are the perfect wed-ding pendants in which every bride will feel special. Our cz pendants are made of zircons in many colors and zircons with other stones.
Embedded in silver or gold, they suit any style and thanks to this, every woman will be able to choose something perfect for herself and to complete or enrich any outfit. In our store we offer only the highest quality cz stone pendants, in this way our jew-elry with zircons looks as good as diamond jewelry. Pendants with zircon are suita-ble as a gift for everyone, they also do not need a special occasion.
And get to know more about cubic zirconia stone that we use in our jewelry.